Smaller houses and apartments have their perks—they often cost less and will force you to live without a lot of possessions. But is it possible to be happy and not feel cramped dwelling in a smaller living space?

The answer is yes and surprisingly, it doesn't take much effort to create the illusion that your home's rooms feel larger. Whether you have that one small room that could use some help or your want your entire home to feel more spacious, here are some techniques you can try.

Perfect the Art of Decluttering

It seems like common sense, but many of us hold onto more items than we need. Try to keep unnecessary knick-knacks, photos, and decorations to a bare minimum to prevent a room from looking too cluttered. Children's toys, magazines, shoes, and other items should be stored in their proper place. Whenever possible, throw away, give away, sell, or recycle unwanted items.

Choose Furniture With Hidden Storage

If decluttering isn't always possible, buying furniture that does double duty as hidden storage space can work wonders to keep items tucked away and out of sight. Ottomans, coffee tables, and window seats are examples of furniture that manufacturers have swept sneaky storage into. You may even be able to open up space in your kitchen by investing in under-counter refrigerator drawers.

Go Big and Go Home

It may sound counterintuitive, but buying one large piece of quality statement furniture can often create the illusion of a larger room. Yes, this means you can go ahead and splurge on a king sized bed instead of a queen or full.

Show Off Large Artwork

Displaying one carefully placed piece of large-scale art instead of several smaller pieces will make the room instantly feel bigger.

Use Paint to Open Up the Area

Just as makeup artists use contouring makeup to bring attention to or downplay facial features, the paint you choose can open up a home space. Lighter colors including any variation of your basic white or cream will help make a room appear bigger. While using only dark colors will have the opposite effect, you can create contrast by painting one area of the room a deep hue while keeping the rest of it bright and light. Or set a dark painted piece of furniture against a light colored wall to immediately open the space.

Looking for more tips on making rooms look larger? Check out these seven best small space design ideas.

Find Your Dream Home—No Matter the Size

Following the above tips can help make any home feel bigger, no matter the size. And if you’re searching for an Austin area home, Twelve Rivers Realty can help. Check out our featured listings of beautiful available homes.